&hint1=I am a carving on a Cuban cave wall& &hint2=I was deliberately left without protection to allow the natural process of erosion& &hint3=My shape is related to the female body& &hint4=The artist that created me found the earth to represent a spiritual mother& &choices=Roden Crater Project;Untitled, from the Arbol de la Vida;Itiba Cahubab (Old Mother Blood);Chamber tomb, interior;Stone Enclosure, Rock Rings;Tumulus of Emperor Nintoku& &answer=Itiba Cahubab (Old Mother Blood)& &search=Itiba Cahubaba& &title=Itiba Cahubab (Old Mother Blood)& &artist=Ana Mendieta& &medium=Photo etching on chine colle& &date=1982& &location=Galerie Lelong, New York& &dimensions=10" x 7"&